Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Online Purchase (another handbag)

Today I purchase yet another version of handbag produced by the same retailer. It's S3 Signature but in smaller size. It costs $199 (yes, more expensive than S2.1 and S3, I know!)

I wasn't aware of the first (called S) and second version (S2) of the bags because I wasn't into online purchase in Msia. I managed to grab the improved second version (called S2.1) and later the third version (S3) those two which I blogged before.

When the third version came out with a different look (called S3 Signature) I wasn't interested because of the snake print. BUT today when the S3 Signature comes out in smaller size I just couldn't resist it.

After much deliberation from the day before (they sent a preview email to members) I decided to purchase the green colour. Obviously it goes well with my new green slip-on canvas I bought yesterday.

Friday, 25 September 2015

Happy Eid ul Adha 1436 H

We went for solat hari raya at 7:30 a.m. and spent the whole day at home. Mak came later in the evening and slept at the table after eating.

Friday, 11 September 2015


No matter how many posts on bad things about using your smartphones unwisely, people still use them like there is no tomorrow.

All the posts above....they are all useless. No one is paying attention to all that. People are addicted to smartphones and I really hate them. I hate them that I feel like kicking their faces until they bleed. They like to update their status on facebook and comments on other people's post no matter at what time of the day OR night. I always thought no facebooking during office hours AND no using smartphones when you are with your families at home.

There are so many articles BUT I do not think any of these are effective:


Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Happy 12th Anniversary to Us

Today marks the 12 years that we have been together. Happy Anniversary !!!


Animals in the Wild World and Crossing to the City © All Rights Reserved | Design and Illustration by Emila Yusof