Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, 13 September 2009

Makan Makan Ramadhan 1430 H

Ramadhan comes again! I was back on the 4th September flying for 24 hours and finally arrived safely at home. The best thing of celebrating Ramadhan at home is the opportunity to taste local, famous delicacies during iftaar. We had planned to go to several bazaar Ramadhan to search for food that we missed a lot. Let see if I can still remember what we had since we arrived home.

  • murtabak (1* ~ bad!)
  • nasi lemak (5* for sambal)
  • roti john (1* ~ I don't like roti john)
  • roti bom (5* ~ my favourite, must be without sauce)
  • kuih bongkok (similar to my grandmother's kuih but without bebola tepung pulut berinti kelapa dengan gula melaka, therefore only 2*)
  • tepung pelita (3* because I don't think it was the authentic tepung pelita, it was more like takothai)
  • kuih gula melaka (I prefer green)
  • taufufah (4* ~ I prefer the one in pasar malam)
  • putu bambu (it was similar to putu piring but "bamboo" version unlike putu bambu I had with my grandmother, thus 2*)
  • tauhu sumbat with peanut sauce (2* ~ I prefer something sweet)
  • pulut panggang (5*)
  • tepung talam (4*)
  • tomyam (tengok je)
  • telur bungkus (3*)
Today we had nasi beriyani gam, kuih lapis (merah hijau?) and puteri ayu. My grandmother used to make kuih lapis with many colours: red, green, yellow, brown, white. We freshen ourselves with soya cincau and soya kurma. Yesterday my sister made us ketam bercili and we had air laici and cendol from bazaar Ramadhan and soya ros from Mydin.

NOTE: I am not complaining. My grandmother makes better kuih than anyone else's.

My sisters have been busy making biskut raya especially tart nenas and sarang semut for her beloved ones a.k.a. her sons and my husband. The sisters went to fetch another niece from school and brought back chocolate cake from her house.

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