Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Cleaning the Fans

My neck sores whenever I clean the fans with the vacuum cleaner. I had to stretch my neck to look up all the time. My left hand will be holding the broom stick to prevent the blades from moving while the other hand holding the wand to position the brush nozzle. After a while the dirt got stubborn and refused to get sucked! Now my eyes are getting sore because of the unpleasant look of the blades accumulating dirt.

One fine morning I decided not to go to the gym. I climbed the dining table and started to scrub the dirt off the blades. At first it didn't work because I used a damp cloth. So I tried the scouring pad, dabbed it with Fab (or Daia?), scrubbed and scrubbed and finally the dirt came off.



squeaky clean like new

Monday, 13 January 2014

Penhaligon's : Lily of the Valley

Last weekends Mr. H bought a new EDT from Penhaligon's, Lily of the Valley

I said something about a new fragrance featuring "the ballerina" I read somewhere from the internet. I saw Iris Prima at the top shelf and immediately I remembered.

No one believed that "the ballerina" fits the description for Iris Prima because it was placed at the top of gentlemen's fragrances shelf. 

Don't believe me? You can go to  http://www.penhaligons.com/iris-prima/

Actually Iris Prima is suitable for all i.e. a unisex fragrance. Just to mention here there are male ballet dancers anyway...........

Friday, 3 January 2014


First time watermarking photo !

krispy kreme

Anyway.....HAPPY 2014!

Worst thing happened on the second day of 2014 was when the so called most trusted yet reliable car broke down, came to a halt and could do nothing. A complete halt!

Mr. H thought that the battery went kaput so down he went to the nearest service shop and bought a new one.

UNFORTUNATELY thing wasn't as simple as that....The mechanic came to fit the newly purchased battery but he then discovered that the car was troubled and not the battery.

Mr. H called AC helpline to ask for assistance countless times but they did not suggest any solution. Finally the mechanic offered to send someone to check on the car either later that day or the next day.

Mr. H with his brilliant brain decided to call Mr. JJ (the car seller) and got an answer....."to tow the car to the service centre" the next day, earliest possible and provide Mr. H with the tow truck telephone number.

Well, to cut looonnnggg story short (after more countless calls to the customer care!) the car was towed to the service centre at 11:00 a.m. the next day and Mr. H got his car back at 12:00 p.m. today (04012014).

What an eventful new year celebration! Show me the fireworksssss.......

NOTE: Dear car, I really really think you have done your job. It is time for ME to force you an early retirement.


Animals in the Wild World and Crossing to the City © All Rights Reserved | Design and Illustration by Emila Yusof