Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Jakarta, I Heart You

A short business trip for my husband BUT a leisure trip for me to Jakarta on April 2016

We stayed at the Pullman Hotel which offers a breakfast buffet worth looking forward to every morning.

Here are some of the photos:

The amazingly delicious breakfast

nasi goreng with ayam goreng, ikan panggang, singkong, rendang daging sapi 


bubur pulut hitam (different name in Indonesia)

banana caramel & limau bali (different name in Indonesia)

nasi uduk & condiments: telur berlado, sambal ijo, sotong cili ijo

pengat ubi kayu (different name in Indonesia)

nasi goreng again, semur daging sapi, terung berlado, tempe goreng

On Sunday, we had dinner at Sari Ratu masakan padang at Plaza Indonesia. The food was delicious BUT it was expensive

sayur singkong

rendang daging sapi

sambal ijo

list of prices

We googled for Coldstone Creamery and finally found one 

chocolate & strawberry with rainbow sprinkles & chocolate truffle + cheese cake with almonds

Dinner on Monday was at Beans and Bread

manado bowl 

padang bowl

Husband saw Berluti recently opened 2 weeks ago

we were served sparkling mineral water

an invitation to the grand opening

For the final night we went to the Grand Plaza and had dinner at Kafe Betawi

es cendol (very sweet)

nasi uduk ayam goreng

nasi rames rendang daging, gulai nangka, gulai singkong

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